Life Sciences

Life Sciences Decontamination Solutions

ClorDiSys offers decontamination services to provide a sterilization level fumigation of any enclosed space at your facility. This biodecontamination can take place for a variety of applications, including:

ClorDiSys' chlorine dioxide gas technology allows for a complete decontamination of your facility, with minimal equipment and minimal downtime. Gaseous systems provide the ability to achieve a complete distribution and thorough penetration to each and every surface within your facility, including visible and invisible cracks and crevices. Chlorine dioxide is safe on materials and leaves no post-treatment residuals.


  • Outbreak response
  • Post-construction decontamination
  • Annual shutdown decontamination
  • Routine preventive maintenance
  • Decontamination between studies
  • Pinworm egg inactivation of equipment and facilities
  • Facility decommissioning

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Complete Facilities Case Study

A 170,000 ft3 new university research facility was decontaminated upon completion of construction and prior to the commencement of operations. Gaseous chlorine dioxide was chosen to decontaminate the facility to ensure that all rooms and equipment were free of contamination. ClorDiSys was able to fumigate the facility and eliminate any organisms present while providing sporicidal kill of Biological Indicators (comprised of 1 million bacillus atrophaeus spores) placed throughout the facility to ensure the process was successful. The setup and decontamination of this facility took 2 days (1 day for setup and 1 day for decontamination and clean-up).

Rooms/Suites Case Study

A 9,000 ft3 university tuberculosis (TB) research facility was decontaminated as part of a renovation effort which included its HVAC system. ClorDiSys was able to fumigate the facility and eliminate any organisms present while providing sporicidal kill of Biological Indicators (comprised of bacillus atrophaeus spores) placed throughout the facility to ensure the process was successful.

Room & Suites Case Study

Laboratories Case Study

A 65-room, 180,000 ft3 laboratory facility was decontaminated with chlorine dioxide gas prior to its opening to ensure sterility after renovation. Equipment and supplies were brought in prior to the decontamination such that they would be exposed and decontaminated as well. This provided a large time savings as each individual piece of equipment and supply did not need to be treated individually in an autoclave or other pass-through system.

Surgical Suites Case Study

A surgical suite is routinely decontaminated with chlorine dioxide gas in between surgeries to ensure a sterile surgical environment for future surgeries. Gaseous chlorine dioxide was chosen to decontaminate the suite due to its short cycle times such that multiple surgeries can be performed in the suite each day, which was impossible when using VPHP.

Surgical Suites Case Study

HVAC Ductwork/HEPA Housings Case Study

An HVAC system handling a BSL-2 and BSL-3 HIV and Hepatitis C research laboratory was decontaminated with chlorine dioxide gas prior to its renovation. This allowed for the renovation crew to work in a safe environment without having to wear personal protective equipment (PPE) while performing renovation work. This allowed for a quicker and more cost-effective renovation of the space. Chlorine dioxide gas was used due to its ability to reach all surfaces and distribute throughout the entire length of ductwork without condensing or leaving a residue.

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Animal holding rooms are routinely decontaminated with chlorine dioxide gas as a preventative measure and also as contamination response. Chlorine dioxide gas is used every day to decontaminate sensitive equipment, electronics, and other everyday equipment found in the life science industry with no material compatibility issues. Equipment can be tented or decontaminated along with the room it's contained in depending on facility constraints.

Equipment Decontamination
Transport Vans Case Study

A transport van was decontaminated in between uses with chlorine dioxide gas as a preventative measure. Chlorine dioxide gas offers a residue-free method which contacts all surfaces, cracks, and crevices from floor to ceiling ensuring safety from pathogens.